

Passion and curiosity for computers have always lead my life.

Since I was 6 years old I have always had a computer close to me, using it for gaming or school homework.

At 8 I started programing in BASIC (although not very successfully).

But it was at 16, when I started to read about linux in magazines, when I realized I needed to know more about computers.

And I know I can not stop it. All my degree, jobs, etc have been an excuse to play with software. That is why software is my natural habitat. This is why I love helping my teammates when someone raises their hand.

Passion Key values

Professional, arranged, forever-learner, team player, bug hunter, proactive


  • Apple: iOS, swift, objective-C
  • Software Design: UML, OOP, MVP, VIPER, MVVM, ELM, ...
  • Linux: Embedded Linux, Debian, Red Hat
  • Languages: c, c++, python, swift, haskell, ADA, prolog, html, ruby
  • Debugging: lldb, valgrind, gdb, profiling
  • Libraries: Qt, QML,...
  • Tools: git, mercurial, subversion, cvs, clearcase
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